Friday 11 January 2008

Good ole blighty.

I arrive at the car rental desk to be greeted by a Polish lady who takes my booking and points me in the direction of the bus that will take me to the car park. The bus arrives and a burly Polish chap helps me with my cases and drives me to the park where another Polish chap, slightly younger, points out the bay where my car is parked. I head to the gate where an old wisened Polish chap checks my paperwork and sends me on my merry way.

I arrive at the hotel where the Polish girl in reception struggles to pronounce my name whilst I don't even attempt to pronounce hers. I did not realise it was possible to have so many Ks, Js and Cs in one name. The Polish concierge takes my bags to my room and seems genuinely happy with his tip. Feeling famished, I order room service where another Polish girl takes my order and the food is delivered by a slightly effeminate Polish boy. In the morning I make my way out of the room and stumble across the Polish cleaners who wish me a good day as I make my way to work.

God it's great to be back in London.


Dami said...

are you sure you are not in Warsaw!

Jeremy said...

Is there anyone left in Poland I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Lol! Invasion of the Polish...

Aspiring nigerian woman said...

That is the beauty of living in London. A land of many people, languages and culture. At least you can testify to meeting a Polish, or someone from a remote country, without actually visiting Poland or the *remote country*. It is pretty warm right now, so you are here at a good time.Enjoy!

KemiMamaLopes said...

In London, and still no Tom Tom and gurudi arrived for me :(

Anonymous said...


I was in Warsaw last August and with the service you seem to be getting in London I now understand where the 5 stars in my hotel went - they had all left the country.